Advanced Tools and Equipment
Type Of Technology: Advanced Tools and Equipment
Vendor: RMD Kwikform
Origin: Asia, Europe, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 2415 4882
Tubeshor is a tubular shoring system used for propping walling beams or capping beams of large excavations and for vertical applications such as bridge bearing replacing. An integral hydraulic ram unit is rated for an AWL of 2500kN rising to 4500kN once the unique mechanical lock off collar is engaged.
Benefits :
- Increase productivity
- Enhance construction site safety and health
- Improve quality of work
- Cost and time saving
- Improved environmental
Applications :
- Basement propping
- Cofferdams
- Bridge Bearing Replacement
- Vertical Propping
- Deep Excavations
- Ultra Heavy-Duty Horizontal Shoring
Project References :
- HY/2018/02 Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak East
- DC/2018/03 Sha Tau Kok Sewerage Treatment Works Phase 1